I have written a few children’s books in my time. This is one of them: Lydia Ladybug and the Paintbrush Chandeliers. After writing the book, I turned my hand-drawn illustrations into vector images using Photoshop and Illustrator, and then coloured the images digitally. After that I set up the entire book in InDesign, and sent the final product as a PDF to potential publishers.

This was a massive project to complete - from writing and illustrating to painstakingly colouring and digitising, it took about three months to complete. If the publishers don’t bite, I’d say I’m already a fair way along the self-publication process!


As part of a graphic design masterclass project, I put together my own cookbook. Rather than doing a random cookbook I decided to make a collection of family recipes. To reflect my family’s Polish heritage, I designed an icon for the book featuring the Polish eagle and the colours from the Polish flag (red and white). I created the eagle using the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator, giving him a little chef’s hat instead of the traditional crown. I then completed the cookbook in InDesign.


This is a mockup I designed for Caritas Australia’s forthcoming Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). I am a member of Caritas’s RAP group, and we’ve been working on this document/plan for quite some time. My idea with the design was to incorporate paint strokes, to echo the traditional skin-painting techniques practiced by many Indigenous groups across the country.